Power BITableau

Dashboarding Projects

By Lim Rong Yi
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Published on
2 months
Data Analyst
Landing Page

This is a collection of my dashboarding projects that I have worked on. I will be updating this page as I work on more projects.

Directory of Projects

Sales Dashboard using Power BI

Overview of Sales Performance
Overview of Sales Performance

This is a sales dashboard that I have created using Power BI. The data was provided by the company (fictitious) and I was tasked to create a dashboard that would allow the sales team to track their performance.

To generate some of the metrics, a mix of inbuilt and custom measures were used. For example, the YoY Sales % measure was created using the following formula:

  YoY Sales = 
  VAR sales_amt = [SumSales]
  VAR current_year = MAX('Calendar'[Year])
  VAR previous_sales = CALCULATE( [SumSales], 'Calendar'[Year] = current_year -1 )
  VAR YoYGrowth = 
      DIVIDE (
          sales_amt - previous_sales, previous_sales

  IF (
      HASONEVALUE( 'Calendar'[Year] ), 
      IF (
          NOT ISBLANK( sales_amt ) && NOT ISBLANK( previous_sales ), YoYGrowth

And the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) was calculated using the following formula:

  CAGR = 
  VAR Start_Date =
          FILTER ( 'Calendar', 'Calendar'[Date].[Year] = MIN ( 'Calendar'[Date].[Year]   ) )
  VAR End_Date =
          FILTER ( 'Calendar', 'Calendar'[Date].[Year]   = MAX ( 'Calendar'[Date].[Year]  ) )

  VAR No_of_Years =
      MAX ( 'Calendar'[Date].[Year]  ) - MIN ( 'Calendar'[Date].[Year]  )

      ( End_Date / Start_Date ) ^ ( 1 / No_of_Years ) - 1

Sales Managers' Performance
Sales Managers' Performance
Sales & Profit Growth
Sales & Profit Growth

Sales Dashboard using Tableau

Sales Dashboard
Sales Dashboard
Customer Analysis
Customer Analysis

Learning Points

This project was a great learning experience for me as I was able to learn more about Power BI and Tableau. I was also able to learn more about the different types of visualizations that can be used to present data.

I've learnt how to use not only the various inbuilt measures, but also how to create custom measures using DAX. I've also learnt how to use the various types of filters and slicers to allow the user to interact with the dashboard.

Thanks for reading!